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Donation Total: $100.00


Upcoming Events

Margaritas For Wheels For Kids

Rosalita's will donate 10% of every 24k Margarita sold in the Month of March to Wheels For Kids. Enjoy the best margarita in town and support your favorite charity all month long! Save your receipt! You could win a $100 gift certificate to Rosalita's! Just complete the form below:

1st Annual Charity Poker Tournament

Palm Beach Kennel Club 1111 Congress Ave, West Palm Beach, FL

Don't miss the 1st annual Charity Poker Tournament benefiting Wheels For Kids on April 21, 2024 at the Palm Beach Kennel Club. The doors open at 11:30am. Cards in the air at 12:30pm. $150 Buy-In Donation: Includes lunch, cocktail, raffle ticket, 2nd buy in & Special Poker Chip Please complete the form below to register […]

Virtual Mothers Day Tea

Donate before Mother's Day (May 12, 2024)  and you can win Tea for Two.

Wheels For Kids Annual Golf Tournament

Abacoa Golf Course 105 Barbados Dr, Jupiter, FL, United States

Location: Abacoa Golf Course Hosted by: Wolverine Roofing $225 Donation Includes: Breakfast, Lunch, Cocktails, Ball Drop, 50/50 and much more. Call: 561-577-3800 for more info SPONSORS: Greenacres Nissan is sponsoring the Hole-In-One contest. PBSO is sponsoring the Ball Drop. Please complete the form below to register and submit your donation:

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